HowIt Works

Own farm

Your health is our desire, this line keep us on right track and we work upon it. As we have tied-up farms, where ethic is a path to deliver you pure, water less and chemical free milk for your family. As we know milk is first feeding while baby takes birth we follow it and monitor cow and bufflow's health, food, hygiene and of course happiness. Monitoring and supervision is key to pure milk. The fodder and well-being of the cattle is monitored under supervision of trained veterinaries at all time.

Quality Checks

We keep a stringent check on the cattle quality, fodder and processes at the farm. Samples of our milk are regularly checked and passed by FSSAI accredited labs for any trace of chemicals, pesticides or toxins.

Hygienic Milking Conditions

We ensure our cattle sheds and cattle are washed multiple times during the day. The milking of cows and buffalos is done by automatic milking machine and is untouched by hands.

Chilling before bottling

Milk is chilled to 2℃ in Bulk Milk Coolers. At this temperature the natural goodness of milk is retained without any harmful bacterial growth

Packaging / Bottling

Chilled milk is packed in glass bottles so that the cold temperature is retained for a long duration. The bottles are sealed at the farm to ensure that milk is delivered in tamper proof state.

Ready for Delivery

Bottled milk packed in insulated boxes from farm arrives at our hubs. Dispatches are done to your household within 3-4 hours
